David Kingdom Come

by Llewellyn Smith a.k.a Tall Joseph

Paperback, 148 pages,©2009, ISBN:978-0-557-09377-9

Price: $24.95

Description: "The truth about the story / the story about the truth." This book is about the journey of man from his creation. From the fall of man in Adam through sin, to the return to God through Jesus Christ by his death and resurrection. Being the propitiation for all mankind; the Lamb of God has redeemed his people Israel. Thus allowing for the reestablishment of the Davidic Kingdom under Emperor Haile Selassie I, King of Kings of Ethiopia, Elect of God; the Lion of Judah hath prevailed, November 2, 1930 the 225th king of the Solomonic dynasty started in Ethiopia by Menelik 1st. Authenticated by scriptures from C.I. Scofield reference Bible / King James version.

Review:"This book was well written and gives real insight to how Haile Selassie I relates to the Bible" G. Benji, NY"David Kingdom Come is a real eye opener, I like how you go through the whole Bible from beginning to end." P. Simeon, NY"I bought a CD version of "David Kingdom Come". I listened on my way driving to Canada. Very interesting. Great work" Ras Benjie, Canada

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The True Jew

by Llewellyn Smith a.k.a Tall Joseph

Paperback, 332,©2015, ISBN:9781716780912

Price: $39.95

Description: Colored Interior: colored pictures and all Bible scriptures in red ink. My people suffer and die because of lack of knowledge. The Bible is our original source of the knowledge of GOD. This work hopes to introduce to all nations the truth about the Jews. The hereditary, history and reality of God’s chosen people have too often been misunderstood and distorted over the centuries. Yet it is unknown to many nations on this planet today. Yeshua the Christ is both the creator and king of his people Israel. “The True Jew” must recognize him and accept his way before the Second Advent in glory. In his first advent, our Lord came unto the weak, sick and oppressed of Israel. No man knows the son but the father and no one knows the father but the son. There is no other way of reaching the father of creation except through his only begotten son Yeshua, the only propitiation for the Sin of Man. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is God.

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