
The Story About the Truth. The Truth About the Story.

My people suffer and die because of lack of knowledge. The Bible is our original source of the knowledge of GOD.



“Brand new perspective on the truth. Biblical overview of creation and purpose revealed in a brand new perspective.”

Luci B

“This book has made me to know myself and see the quality of humanity. We are all brothers and sisters of One Father.”

Roy Dan

“David Kingdom Come is a real eye opener, I like how you go through the whole Bible from beginning to end.”

P. Simeon

What’s In The Book

The journey of man from his creation

The fall of man in Adam through sin,

The return to God through Jesus Christ by his death and resurrection

The reestablishment of the Davidic Kingdom under Emperor Haile Selassie I

Author’s Note

My hope is to bring to the awareness of all humanity the power of God and His Word. To show the strength of his word through his covenants to remind all humanity of the everlasting covenant between the almighty God and his servant David.


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